Nabuk Raji

  • Green

Nowadays the animals used for Galuchat leather are mostly dogfish and stingray. These animals are naturally covered by small spots that have the same consistency of ivory and protect them from the predators attacks.
Nabuk Raji suggestes the same pattern, using our well known article Nabuk, made on European bulls. The touch is soft and the transparent pattern is flat.

Leather origin:
Bull leather
Place of Origin: Europe
Thickness: 1,3* mm
Average Size: Mq 2,8* - half hide
Dermis Appearance: Fine grain, nubuk, bright squins shagreen pattern
Tannage: By minerals
Re-tannage: Chrome salts and synthetic tannins
Dyeing: Acid and pre-metallised dyes
Leather Treatment: Synthetic and vegetable oils
Drying: On frame
Finish: Resistant to water-based liquids, thermo-bonded with sequin
Colours: 34

Cleaning product:
To remove potential residual grime, it is enough using a damp cloth. For a perfect and long-lasting leather, above all in case of deeper stains, Maxpell offers a range of specific products for every kind of leather
Nabuk leather cleaner kit
Data Sheet: Contact our offices to receive it
